Pensez le Futur.

Ils ont partagé le monde 3469

Ils ont partagé le monde

Not having any particular thoughts to share, I would like to share instead a piece of music that I have been enjoying very much very recently. It is sung in French, a great piece of art from Tiken Jah Fakoly that talks about how the world is "being shared" or "is shared". The purpose for sharing is the feeling it evokes when it comes on. This is specifically in relation to the version performed live which I have linked to below. I discovered this beauty just scrolling through Instagram. Music in French is not so foreign to me, but I would not have discovered this music if my phone's language was not set to Français. The discovery of this music evokes in me a feeling of sophistication which I am not actually. It is a good feeling anyways.

Ils ont partagé le monde

Not having any particular thoughts to share, I would like to share instead a piece of music that I have been enjoying very much very recently. It is sung in French, a great piece of art from Tiken Jah Fakoly that talks about how the world is "being shared" or "shared". The purpose for sharing is the feeling it evokes when it comes on. This is specifically in relation to the version performed live which I have linked to below. I discovered this beauty just scrolling through Instagram. Music in French is not so foreign to me, but I would not have discovered this music if my phone's language was not set to Français. The discovery of this music evokes in me a feeling of sophistication which I am not. It is a good feeling anyways.

Ils ont partagé le monde

The publish button has always been heavy, and more so of late. In the absence of any particular thoughts to share, I would like to share instead a piece of music that I have been enjoying very much very recently. It is sung in French, a great piece of art from Tiken Jah Fakoly that talks about how the world is "being shared" or "shared". The purpose for sharing is the feeling it evokes when it comes on. This is specifically in relation to the version performed live which I have linked to below. I discovered this beauty just scrolling through Instagram. Music in French is not so foreign to me, but I would not have discovered this music if my phone's language was not set to Français. The discovery of this music evokes in me a feeling of sophistication which I am not. It is a good feeling anyways.